Monday, March 31, 2008

Save the Nuggets for Never?

That'd be the name of Mississippi garage band Stale Fashion's debut album, and, might I say, it's a mighty good one. Album, that is--not name...although I suppose it is a rather good name as well? But I digress. On the off chance you're unfamiliar with the band let me give you the run down of words that might be associated with them; Quite, mellow, raw, melodic, soothing, dulcet, harmonic. Yeah. That's a pretty good list I should think.

As far as bands that they sound like, they claim to be influenced by the likes of Neutral Milk Hotel, The Velvet Underground, Led Zeppelin, and Scrabble (yes, as in the board game)--claims which i quite frankly would be hard pressed to argue with (with a possible exception for Scrabble.)
There won't be any songs today. Rather, I'd like to urge you to A) Grab their debut album, Save the Nuggets for Never (seriously, it's $5 on their myspace page. Go get it, go get it, go get it!) or B) Hop on out to catch one of their live shows, as their on tour right now. Ideally you would go to the show though, dance around, have a blast, and grab a CD on your way out after having fallen in love with them. M'hmm.

That's it for today, and for all you Austin kids, they're playing the Mohawk April 6th. Let's see you there, eh?