Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Rachael Cantu, anyone?

I don't know. This months been really hectic. I've been on an acoustic kick lately though, which is probably where today's artist comes from. On with the post!

Have you ever just been meandering around the interweb, half-heartedly jumping from site to site as a means to put off some chore or other, when you happen upon something really spectacular? Well, that happened to me today when I came, quite accidently, across Rachel Cantu. My goodness, let me just say right now, she really is just something else. Her songs, described as both "brilliant" and "hot to death", are mellow and catchy, melding together rough acoustic bits with more clean electronica for a sound ultimately reminiscent of Tegan and Sara or Kaki King, yet at the same time still very much her own. Run All Night, her album, was one of those CD's I felt compelled to buy almost immediately after hearing a couple songs. They're just so...addicting?

Forgive me for the short post, I'm kind of running on empty here (something like 12 hours of sleep in the last 4 days?)--that being said, I'll go ahead and leave you with your song links so you can check her out (you're gonna love this, I promise), and scamper off to bed. w00t!

[mp3] Rachel Cantu- Saturday

I almost didn't feel like posting that, as she already has so many amazing songs on her myspace for you to stream and what not (download, maybe? I don't remember), but I felt kind of bad about not having any songs last time, so here you are. Enjoy, loves, and remember to check out her official page for more info (and of course, if you dig the music don't hesitate to buy the CD!)

edit: never mind, you can't visit the official page as it's currently under construction. That's cool though, I figure her myspace more than suffices.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!